Welcome to Our Website!

I.L.G.S.L. (Inter-Lakes Girls Softball League) is a Girls Softball organization located in the Lakes area of Oakland County, Michigan.   All games are played at Maple Glen Park in Commerce Township off Glengary between Benstein and Wixom Roads.

We are a recreational league, but we emphasize learning and sportsmanship.  All girls that sign up for a team will play, learn, make new friends and have fun!  Pigtails (K-2nd grade) is slow pitch. Braids (3rd-4th) divisions is modified slow pitch.  Ponytail (5th-6th) and Sassoon (7th-9th) divisions are fast pitch.

2025 Online Registration is Closed

2026 Registration Begins Mid-November, 2025

League Game Times

Division Grades Days Playing Time Playing
Pigtail K thru 2nd Tues. & Thurs. 5:45pm
Braid 3rd thru 4th Mon. & Wed. 5:45pm
Ponytail 5th thru 6th Tues. & Thurs. 7:15pm
Sassoon 7th thru 9th* Mon. & Wed. 7:15pm

* 9th graders who do NOT play softball for their high school can play Sassoon.


Are you or your daughter interested in Travel Softball?

Interlakes Pride has Travel Softball teams from 8U up to 16U divisions.

For more information you can  visit their website here

Ever thought about becoming an umpire while making a little extra money? If you are at least 16 years of age and interested, you can email Bill Evans, our Chief Umpire, at wge7@comcast.net for more information.